Transportation Advocacy
CharlotteEAST actively supports shared-use paths, greenways, trails, protected bike, sidewalks, and public transit with the goal of increasing connectivity for the East and West communities through the CityLYNX Gold Line and Carolina Thread Trail.
With community support, the committee is seeking City and County collaboration to develop a multimodal transportation network that includes all forms of mobility and creates connected active transportation that is a valuable and equitable asset for its residents.
Connectivity and Maps

The City of Charlotte is developing a Bike Map and Mecklenburg County is developing an updated Greenway Map. CharlotteEAST believes bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and mobility can only be achieved through the combined focus of City, County, State and private entities. It will require an adopted Charlotte Mecklenburg Master Trail Plan that will serve as a working collaborative document. We support an alignment between the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan and UDO with the County's Meck Playbook.
Presently, the City of Charlotte's bike map can be found here; a snapshot of the Mecklenburg County Greenways Master Plan is below. The adjacent image shows the CharlotteEAST Transportation Message Board, to be placed in bike shops around the county in effort to gauge walking and cycling habits of Mecklenburg County residents.
Please take our survey on mobility here!
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Eastside Walking Tour
In partnership with the UNCC Urban Institute, CharlotteEAST has created a City Walks virtual tour along the Eastway Drive/Central Avenue corridor.
Take a walk with CharlotteEAST and experience some of the exciting changes happening now in this vibrant community. Visit two very special urban parks, a colorful historic shopping center and Potters Place, all part of the City of Charlotte’s Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP) which will provide safer pedestrian and bicycle connections to the many diverse, independent businesses and gathering places along Central Avenue, Eastway Drive, Kilborne Drive and Norland Road. We are excited about the future of this established East Charlotte neighborhood, so please join the tour and see for yourself!

Cross Charlotte Trail
A true Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT) includes the 4 cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. Currently, the XCLT Phase 1 is a phenomenal step for the city, but only runs north and south. Our goal is to expand this trail (part of the larger Carolina Thread Trail project) to run east and west, which will provide our residents with a mode of integrated transportation.
Why is this connectivity so important to our East and West communities? It is about economic mobility.
It is connectivity to schools of post-secondary and higher education, i.e. CPCC, Carolina College of Health Sciences, UNCC, Johnson & Wales, Wake Forest, and Northeastern all within or near Center City.
It is connectivity to better-paying jobs in Center City and employment centers along the Blue Line.
It is about equity. For every $1 spent on trails, a $3 in economic value is generated. The East and West communities need an economic boost.
On August 25, 2020, together with our partners from the Westside, Park & Recreation Commission, and Catawba Lands Conservancy/Carolina Thread Trail, we presented a Multi-Modal Transportation Connectivity Resolution to the combined City-County Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IGR) meeting that was well received. On September 15, 2020, the County Commissioners approved the resolution. The City’s review and vote is pending.